March 18th marked our first collaborative artist's Salon with Los Angeles Clean Tech Incubator's Artists in Residency program. Together we are building a community of collaborators ready and willing to share knowledge on projects that address local problems.
We invited attendees to bring something they're working on, something they're trying to fix/hack, or something that represents a problem they would like to address in your neighborhood. We spent five minutes talking about each object and then discussed resources and needs each artist had.
Our first SALON collaborator was Jenna Didier: a Los Angeles based artist and founder of Materials & Applications (M&A). She kicked off the event by speaking about her experience of making environmentally-focused public work, and about the decision to turn her front yard into "a testbed to realize new and useful concepts in building and the landscape” through the birth of M&A.
The room was filled with creative thinkers from all disciplines. And the best part? A coffee and waffle bar!
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