SXSW Panel Picker: Silicon Varrios

SXSW Panel Picker: Silicon Varrios

Small Green Door's panel proposition for South by Southwest 2018. 

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#SiliconVarrios: Diversity in the Digital Economy

In order for communities to thrive in the digital economy they need to be cultivated locally. This means business that are designed to sustain the surrounding community. Locally manufactured goods and services create a scalable economy where everyone gets an opportunity to participate. This panel will explore this concept with two people that are shaping the creative economy from the barrios of Los Angeles.

The creative economy will fuel the next industrial revolution. Creative spaces will be the community centers for education, technology, and culture for the future. Silicon Varrios need to cultivate locally relevant events and creative thinking to solve local needs that are unique to our neighborhoods (barrios). Local craftspeople are the cornerstone of constructing this vision. Think interactive art shows, indoor farming, micro education seminars, and local cryptocurrency education. What does your Varrio become in the future?

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